viernes, 22 de marzo de 2013

Evolution of Alzheimer's Disease

Evolution of Alzheimer's Disease

In general, the evolution of the EA may identificase three major phases that would be defined as:

Initial Phase or mild. This phase has an insidious development, subtle symptoms, with an early upset in recent memory (inability to acquire new information and forgetting recent events in detail) and a deficit of executive function (tasks in which multiple steps are needed as keeping accounts or preparing meals) leading socio mismatch. Is added involvement of other cognitive areas: disorientation, difficulty finding words and decreased spontaneous speech, alterations in the calculation, together with changes in personality or increased irritability and depression.

Medium or Moderate Phase. This phase is significant severe memory loss, leaving only the long-term memory, disorientation, inability to recognize close relatives, impoverished language with difficulty understanding certain orders. This phase requires assistance with personal care, being frequent behavior problems like suspicion, delusions, aggression, sleep disturbances, etc.. He begins to lose control of his bowels.

Final Phase or Grave. Someone with the EA at this stage is silent or speaks in monosyllables, presents changes in the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness incontinence. It also presents motor disturbances, inability to walk, dysphagia and progressive deterioration to a vegetative state and progressive cachexia that force to remain permanently bedridden. For assistance with food, clothing and personal hygiene. Death occurs from aspiration pneumonia, sepsis, urinary infection, infection of pressure ulcers, from starvation or disease age-related independent. Overall median survival of 7-10 years.

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